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The most complete career management tool

In the wake of today’s rapid-change job market, the Strong Interest Inventory instrument provides you with a solid, dependable career planning tool. The Strong measures your clients’ interests in a broad range of occupations, work activities, leisure activities, and school subjects. Its validity and reliability far exceed those of any other interest inventory:
  • Sample size is 13 times larger than that of other career planning inventories
  • Sample base represents a wide range of educational, ethnic, and socioeconomic levels
  • Instrument includes results on the 6 Holland Themes, 25 basic interests, 109 contemporary occupations, and 4 personal styles
  • Using the family of Strong/career planning products, you can help your clients plan each step along their career path, with one goal in mind: to match their interests with careers.

When should you take the Strong Interest Inventory instrument?

Strong Interest Inventory instrument is an essential resource for any professional who needs help making career decisions, including:
  • People considering a career change
  • Employees seeking more satisfying work within an organization
  • Students exploring career options
  • Organizations looking to retain star performers and key staff
  • Midlife and older adults planning their retirement
Strong Interest Inventory Assessments...
Report Name Report Description Cost
Strong Interest Inventory Profile, Standard EditionPresents a summary of individualized career interests
Strong Interest Inventory Profile, Skills Confidence EditionCombines an adult's interests with his or her confidence in skills to aid career planning
Strong Interest Inventory Profile, College EditionProvides college students with academic majors and campus and community activities that fit their interests
Strong Interest Invent ory® Profile, College Skills Confidence EditionCombines a college student's interests and confidence in skills to consider career and academic options
Strong Interest Inventory Profile, High School EditionProvides High School students with career exploration and planning information
Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive, Standard EditionIdentifies and explores personalized career development options
Strong Interest Inventory Professional ReportIdentifies an interest in professional occupations requiring a college degree
Strong Career Enrichment ReportIdentifies functional work areas and tasks for job enrichment and employee retention
Strong Career Transition ReportIdentifies functional work areas and tasks for clients facing career change
Strong Interest Inventory Profile, College Edition + Strong and MBTI Career ReportCombines your personality type and interests to help you make informed career choices
Strong and MBTI Entrepreneur ReportIdentifies how your interests and personality affect how you would run a business
Strong and MBTI Entrepreneur Report, Skills Confidence EditionIdentifies how your interests, confidence in skills, and personality affect how you would run
Strong Profile, Standard Edition + Strong and MBTI Career ReportCombines your personality type and interests to help you make informed career choices
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